LCD-Linux is a Linux software abstraction layer to drive LCD alphanumeric displays.
It features complete VT102 console emulation and aims to be as general and flexible as
possible. It consists of two kernel modules, lcd-linux and the display driver. Currently,
only the Hitachi HD44780 is supported, but drivers for other LCD controllers can be
easily written.
Supported controllers:
HD44780 (and compatibles)
HD44780 driver features:
- Multi controller support.
- 8 and 4 bit mode support.
- Used 4 bits can be specified at compile time.
- I/O timings can be specified at compile time.
- Supports all screen sizes up to the maximum of the HD44780 (80
characters per controller).
- Supports user definable fonts.
- Supports full read and write from the device to read the display
state and set user definable characters.
- Supports both available font sizes when the HD44780 is run in
single line mode.
The unstable release is available through the CVS system.
export CVS_RSH="ssh" (for bash shell)
setenv CVS_RSH "ssh" (for tcsh shell)
cvs login
cvs -z9 co lcd-linux-new
You can also browse the
of LCD-Linux with your web browser.
The web pages are generated dynamically at the time you request them and
are always up to date.
The CVS version is the experimental version. It may hang your machine
or not even compile. You have been warned !
Mailing list:
There is a LCD-Linux mailing list where users can post problems,
questions, suggestions and everything else that is related to LCD-Linux.
Please subscribe/unsubscribe
or send an empty email
with subject "subscribe" to
lcd-linux-users-request at
Some nice links using LCD-Linux in some way
- LCD4Linux
LCD4Linux is a small program that grabs information
from the kernel and some subsystems
and displays it on an external liquid crystal display.
- A useful
for MythTV.
Mail: mjona at users dot sourceforge dot net
Page updated on 2010 - 07 - 04.